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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Baby is sick.....

 연극이 끝나고....
마지막 정리하는 날 치우고 나더니 그만 감기가 걸렸네요.
학교서 하는 연극에 의상담당으로 정말 열심히 바느질을 한게 지난 1월부터 였으니 아플만도 하다싶어요.  19세기 러시아가 배경인 연극이니 긴드레스, 테일코트 이런거 만드느라 방바닥에 발디딜틈이 없었지요. 연극이 막상 시작되니 할일은 없어도 무대뒤에서 늘 대기하고 있기를 일주일을 했어요.
좋아서 하는 일을 찾으니 귀엽네요.
얼른 나가서 닭한마리사다가 슾이나 끓여 먹여야 겠어요!
  The show is over.....
She came home late on the last night of the show. They stayed until 1 am to clean all the sets and costumes. When she came back home I knew that she caught something....She was busy sewing since January and I heard sewing machine sound almost everyday and night.
 She only asked my help for once when she was having a hard time gathering. I am very proud of my daughter who made so many costumes for this play and her positive attitude!
I am going out to the grocery for chicken noodle soup ingredients!

Wrapping up

It was so much fun last 10 weeks!
70 kids shared their joy of sewing with me and I was very fortunate to be there.
Now I have only one class left and trying to wrap up our 10 weeks with this community bojagi.
즐거운 지난 10주 였어요!
70명의 아이들과 바느질하는 즐거움을 함께 나눈게 얼마나 행복한일이었지 몰라요.
이제 그 10주간의 즐거운 시간을 이 공동작품보자기로 잘 싸놓을려고 해요.

I was too ambitious at the beginning. I made 8 projects plan but soon after I started teaching, reality was telling me that I will only be able to teach 2 or 3 the most.....
The first project was the coaster that we showed at the school art show.
시작할땐 꿈도 야무져서 프로젝트를 8개나 계획했다는..... 그런데 그중 2-3개 하면 성공일거라는  현실을 금방 느꼈지요...
첫번째 작품은 컵받침. 완성하고난 직후에 학교 아트쇼가 있어서 학급별로 전시를 했어요.

And the second project was the gift wrap bojagi.
This took a long time to make and some of them finished at the last class but kids were having fun!
두번째 작품은 선물 보자기.
생각보다 시간이 많이 걸려서 걱정이 좀 되었지만 그래도 거의 모든 학생들이 완성!
그중 일부는 어머니날에 엄마에게 선물을 했다는 얘기를 선생님께 들었지요. 흐뭇~

 Teachers and parents volunteers were great! After a few classes, everybody knows what to do.
선생님들 학부모님들의 도움이 없었으면 이 재미난 시간이 이루어졌을까요? 몇시간이 채 지나기도 전에 척척 알아서 도와주셨어요.
Such a cool team we were!

 The third project was for the last class.
The moshi book mark with a lotus bud knot.
세번째 작품은  예쁜 연봉 매듭을 달고 모시로 만든 책갈피.
I asked students, teachers and parent volunteers to put at least 2 pieces together for this work and finished it into a big bojagi.
I imagine kids cut and sew pieces of the fabric during the summer break to make their own bojagi.....
"Next year, let's make 5 more projects that we planned!" 
바느질하는 짬짬이 학생들, 선생님들 그리고 학부모님들께 2조각 잇기를 부탁하고 그걸 모두 이어서 공동 조각보를 만들었답니다.
다들 가까이가서 내가 이은 조각을 찾느라 바빴지요.
긴 여름방학동안 천을 자르고 이어서 조각보를 만드는 아이들 모습을 상상하면서 오늘 하루를 마무리합니다.
"애들아, 내년에 5가지 프로젝트 다 해보자꾸나!"

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Judy's bojagi update!

Do you remember Judy's bojagi?
She just sent me a picture.
Framed bojagi looks so awesome!
Thank you for sharing this with me, Judy!

Pin cushion tutorial for Joan

Joan! Let's make this simple pin cushion together!

First, pin 2 pieces together and do gamchimjil(whip stitch)

After sew 2 pieces together, open a seam line and press with iron.

Then add another piece.
Pin them together,

Sew using gamchimjil(whip stitch).

Press again,
Voila! the front side is done!
Pin this front side and the back together.
Like this :)

Gamchimjil again- around 3 corners

 Leave the 4th corner for stuffing
 This is how much that you put into the pin cushion! Then finish with Gamchimjil!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Cool helmet bag for guys

Dave likes skulls. Period.
When I made a floral patterned helmet bag for his wife Amy, he asked me if I could make a bag for guys, too. And he said he likes anything with skull patterns.
I found this fabric at Stonemountain & Daughter in Berkeley, CA.
Yes! as you guessed, this is one of my favorite place. They have a myriad of fabrics.
So I finish making this bag for Dave and saw his happy face when I delivered it.
Now my husband wants to have this cool guy's helmet bag ha ha.
My dear hubby, we should ride together more often!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Bojagi Class at Clair Lilienthal school in SF

Yes, time flies especially when you are having fun!
I got an email from the teacher in Claire Lilienthal school in SF in January.
She was looking for an artist who can teach Korean cultural art.
I've met one class last year when I helped out MOCFA's bojagi event and students were eager to learn how to make bojagi.
With that experience, I knew that I can have fun with these students again :)
 I was excited about 10 weeks of fun course!
I made a list of the projects, got materials and made a sample for the first project.
For the first project, I decided to use cotton fabric instead of silk or linen because cotton is easier to handle.
I chose bright colors of cotton and started to cut them into small squares and rectangles.
I had to prepare for 70 kids so cutting fabrics took me a whole day!
The first project was a coaster using a jogakbo technique.
I taught them how to make a knot, gamchimjil( whip stitches in English) and put needdles back to the magnet when you are not using it.
Each class has few parent volunteers and they were wonderful!
Hard to imagine teaching 20/34/16 kids without their help.
At the first day of the class, I was relieved that I can use Korean during the class!
Here's our project #1!
I am very proud of these students!
Project #2 is coming soon!