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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Assembly line

Cutting fabrics, putting them in a zipper bag and cutting more....
I am making 60 material kits for my upcoming Bojagi workshop next week.
PIQF, October 17-19, 2013!
I will spend some time to teach, meet my friend and shop some cool sewing gadgets.
If you are in SF Bay area, come and visit! You will need comfortable shoes!

옷감을 자르고, 봉지에 넣고 또 자르고.... 네, 바빠요!
워크샵 재료봉지 60개를 만듭니다.
정신없지만 클래스에서 새로 만날 학생들과 오랜 친구와의 상봉 그리고 쇼핑생각에 피곤을 잊어요.
편한신발을 신고 구경 오세요!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Playing with colors

I feel being a true Korean when I play with these primary colors of Saekdong (multi colored fabric, 색동)! When I was 7, my hanbok (Korean costume, 한복) was a combination of saekdong jeogori with red chima (skirt, 치마). My aunt owned a Korean fabric store in Seoul and she used to sent us hanbok for Chuseok. I remember when I were my pink Gapsa (silk gauze with pattern, 갑사) hanbok, my mom said I looked like Chunhyang :)
색동속에 있는 원색들을 보면 잊었던 어린시절이 생각납니다. 일곱살때 입던 한복은 색동저고리에 빨간 치마였었지요. 포목점을 하시던 고모덕에 추석이면 예쁜 한복을 얻어 입었지요. 분홍갑사 치마저고리를 입은 해에는 엄마가 춘향이보다 더 곱다고 하셨지요 :)

I just finished these gift pouches with drawstring for Asian Art Museum gift store. When the AAM opens a special exhibition in October 25th, you can see my colorful products at the gift shop there. These are called flower petal pouch in Korea (꽃잎 주머니).
샌 프란시스코의 아시안 아트 뮤지엄 샵에 들어갈 색동 주머니들입니다. 꽃잎모양으로 오무려진다고 꽃잎주머니라고 하지요. 작은 파우치들은 옷고름 모양의 끈이 달려있지요. 이참에 뮤지엄 샵 직원들에게 옷고름매는 방법을 가르쳐줘야겠군요. 블로그에서도 가르쳐드릴까요?
Wanna see more products? I made smaller pouches with Ot go reum (옷고름) style strap. I think I have to teach the gift shop staffs how to tie this. Would you like to learn how to tie this, too?