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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Bride of Frankenstein

I was busy every Saturday evening during last 2 months.
Purple jacket-check! bleacher cushion-check! blanket-check! little munch-check!
After eating early dinner, we drove to high schools around the Bay area to watch and cheer up my daughter's marching band and color guard.
Yes, she plays a flag!
Joining the purple stream is one way to support our kids.
Purple jacket, purple/gold scarf, purple/gold hat, head band.... anything purple cheers our kids up!
지난 2달동안 바쁜주말을 보냈답니다.
보라색자켓-첵크! 방석-첵크! 담요-첵크! 간식-첵크!
이른 저녁을 먹고 부지런히 베이지역 고등학교들로 딸아이네 마칭밴드와 칼라가드를 응원하러 갔지요.
무슨 악기요? 네, 깃발이요 ㅎㅎ
보라색 물결의 일원이 되는건 우리아이들을 응원하는 한 방법이지요.
보라색 자켓, 보라/금색 스카프, 모자, 머리띠..... 보라색이 들어가는건 무엇이든지!

 Here's my way to support :)
제가 하는 응원입니다 :) 이 모자를 쓰고 보라색 물결에 휩싸이지요.

This year's title is 'The Bride of Frankenstein'.
I am so proud of these 280+kids!
They started their practice in August and my daughter spent 15+ hours a week for this.
Very enthusiastic band director, staffs and huge parents support encouraged our kids all the time.
Now this fun season was over but I am looking forward to see the winter guard competition soon!
올해의 제목은 '프랑켄슈타인의 신부' 입니다.
280명이 넘는 이 거대한 집단의 아이들이 정말 자랑스럽기 그지없어요.
8월부터 땀흘리고 얼굴 그을려가며 일주일에 15시간을 연습한 결정체이니 기특할 수 밖에요.
열정적인 밴드 디렉터, 스태프들, 부모님들이 뒤를 든든히 받쳐주고요.
밴드시즌이 막 끝났지만 겨울에 다시 시작될 윈터가드 시즌을 기다리며 또 보라색을 만지작 거립니다.

New Look!

It was frustrating that I couldn't see my own website.
But thanks to my wonderful web master, Scott Choi!
My Website is now not only accessible but also improved with new look!
Please come and visit me!
Talking about Scott, he is very talented web master who created my website almost 10 years ago and whenever I have a technical difficulty, he fixes my problem right away.
He is running this cool site for Bay area Korean Americans.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Bojagi class- 2

Helen's bojagi has her unique design in it!
And her stitches are so fine!
Kay's working on her border.

I decide to make one and a little more step to finish :)