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Tuesday, April 21, 2015

I was a bit distracted....

Last Saturday was my annual Cinderella Classic bike ride ritual day. I started 7-8 years ago with my friend and I was hooked on. In January a group of women start training for this fun 65 mile bike ride. We started training from 15 mile ride to 55 mile ride. 

On the day of the event, we rode 65 miles with a style! Our jersey is turquoise and socks are matching colors, too.  Helmet was decorated with ribbons, feathers and flowers. I am very lucky to have these friends who are sharing this joy with me. This year, I got my best PR time! Life is good~ I will be back with more bojagi related stories soon.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Mosi Bojagi for So Yong Ssi

So Yong and her son came to my bojagi workshop. They both were very enthusiastic students. 

지난 겨울 소영씨와 아드님을 제 보자기 워크샵에서 만났습니다. 두사람 모두 바느질에 매우 열심이었지요.
So Yong really liked my yellow/blue mosi jogakbo. 
소영씨는 제 모시 보자기 하나를 몹시 마음에 들어했지요.
She asked me to make something for her bedroom and I started to make a rough draft. But it took me some time to get right colors for this project. I wasn't happy with fabrics that I have at home so decided to dye by myself. When I went to visit Carlene in Hawaii, I took 19 yards of fabrics with me. Some of them were used in this bojagi and I dyed more after I came back home.
어느날 그녀는 제게 보자기를 만들어 달라고 부탁을 했습니다. 침실에 걸어놓을 보자기를 만들기로 했지요. 아이디어 스케치는 금방 했습니다만 딱 맞는 모시 색깔을 찾기가 쉽지않았어요. 부분만을 만들어 놓고는 한참을 고민했더랬답니다. 하와이의 칼린을 방문할때 작정을 하고 갔지요. 제 맘에 드는 색으로 모시 염색을 하리라! 하고요. 
Once I have fabrics that I like, bojagi making process was enjoyable work! 
그래서 색을 얻고 집에서 좀더 많은 양의 모시를 염색한 후에는 일사천리로 보자기가 커지고 어느새 완성이 되었습니다.
I wish my happy thoughts delivered to So Yong's house with these bojagi. Thank you So Yong for letting me to have this fun project!
소영씨 집으로 보자기와 함께 좋은 기운이 함께 자리잡기를 바랍니다. 소영씨, 정말 즐거운 작업이었어요. 고마워요!