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Monday, October 31, 2011

Fashion statement

 Just finished 3 scarves for my clients.
One was making the old bojagi scarf (I made years ago) little bigger.
Two other are for friends who liked that scarf when my client wore it.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Guess who?

Lucy is coming to visit the Bay Area again!
She live in Mexico city and very talented quilter/teacher.
Her quilt was chosen for International quilt festival in Houston in November 2011.
This is her blog page.
She actually is in the area and I am going to meet her tomorrow.
We are planning to visit Asian Art Museum in SF.
I want to see Poetry in Clay exhibit with my special friend!

Korean Culinary Camp in SF

I went to the Korean Culinary Camp in SF the other day.
Bunch of friend were invited to this fancy fusion Korean food tasting event and we all had a wonderful time.
샌프란시스코의 멋진 요트클럽에서 열린 한국요리를 알리는 행사에 참가할 기회가 있었다.
친구들 몇명과 함께 차려 입고 설레는 마음으로 집을 나섰다.

The head chef who trained at CIA came from Korea with her culinary team and made 8 course meal and it was wonderful to see the fancy setting and eating delicious dishes.
CIA에서 수련한 주방장이 이끄는 조리팀이 한국에서 날아와 멋진 8코스 요리를 선보였다.

First course, soy balsamic dressing eggplant and tomato bruschetta. 
첫번째 코스는, 간장 발사믹드레싱을 얹은 가지와 토마토 브루스케타.

Fresh ramen with sauteed vegetables
볶은 야채를 얹은 생라면

Mero marinated with doenjang sauce
This was my favorite!
제일 맛낫던 된장소스에 재워 구운 메로구이!
김치롤과 훈제두부가 곁들여 나왔다.

Kalbi jjim and pan fried shrimp
My friend Kid was very interested in this dish!
갈비찜과 새우요리
내 친구 키드가 젤 관심있게 먹은 요리


Hotteok and tofu flan
후식으로 나온 호떡과 두부 플랜

Nice goodie bag!
행사후 나눠준 고추장, 쌈장 그리고 불고기 양념이 든 구디백!

Thanks to consulate general of the republic of Korea in San Francisco!
샌프란시스코 총영사관 덕분에 즐거운 하루를 보냈다.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Abundance of colors

I was busy playing with colors this week, again.
The museum of folk art and craft in San Francisco wanted to have some of my works at the museum shop so I tried to bring up many different ideas using bojagi technique.
These are some of the products I dropped off this afternoon.
Many different sizes of pin cushions-  some are cupcake shape and some are as tiny as mochi.
또 바쁜 한주가 후딱 지나가버렸다.
샌프란시스코의 포크아트와 크래프트 뮤지엄 스토어에  보자기관련 물건들을 선보이느라 콩튀듯 팥튀듯하며 바느질과 씨름을 하기를 몇 주나 했나보다.
이번엔 다른 크기와 종류의 바늘방석을 만들어 보았다-꽃모양, 컵케잌 모양 그리고 모찌 같이 앙증맞은 것까지.

 I thought I can show them and let Amelia choose what she wants to carry at the store but she grabbed all of them! And told me that some of them will go home with her :)
뮤지엄 스토어의 아멜리아가 고를 수 있게 여러가지를 가져갔는데 그만 다 두고 가라고 해서 빈가방만 들고 집으로! 그중 몇개는 자기집으로 갈거라고 찜하는 걸 보고 웃으면서 나왔다. 

 This is the treat that I came back with! Beard Papa's cream puff!! La Dolce Vita!!!
바트타러 가는 길에 들러 사온 크림퍼프! 인생은 달콤한 것!!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Wedding wishes

  She is moving to Korea to get married. The bride groom is her elementary school sweet heart.
 She wanted to get a Bojagi bow tie for her dad and a gift wrap bojagi for her parents in law.

The bow tie was made with her choice of colors and I made it as a ready made bow tie.

The gift wrap bojagi were made with red and blue colors which symbolized yin and yang. 


As I was making these two projects, I was hoping my good wishes and prayer for the couple's happy life were sewn together with silk pieces....