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Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Please take a look at this wonderful review about my DVD! It is written by well known textile artist and professor, Mary Ruth Smith on Surface Design Association eNews page.
Here's a link to this wonderful review.

Monday, August 11, 2014

다녀오겠습니다! Time to travel~

I don't know how my summer went this fast but all of sudden fall is coming in full speed. The weather is still hot but I could feel the change of the wind. In my house, all the family members are busy packing for different trips. My daughter is packing her suit case for her new college life, my husband is packing for exploring foreign country trip and I am packing for upcoming Korea Bojagi Forum 2014 trip. 
My baby will go to the school 2500 miles from home. Yes, I will be a empty nester from this fall. But as a positive thinker, I am glad that I will have more time for bojagi. 
From August 24-28, 2014, I will be in Jeju, Korea attending KBF 2014. I am excited to meet many people with same interest, BOJAGI! There will be a special exhibition that I will participate in and lots of lectures and workshops. I am also happy that my friends are going there, too. Helen and Youngmi who are taking my bojagi class will be there. Younkyu, my another student in Bay area is showing her bojagi as a participant. Lucy from Mexico City is participating in the exhibition, too! Oh, my Facebook friend, Yoko is coming from Japan and I am going to meet her. 
I will take lots of pictures to share so don't be sad if you are not going this time :)
여름이 어떻게 지났는지 모르게 시간이 흐르고 가을준비를 할 때가 왔습니다. 우리집 식구들은 제각각 다른 여행을 위해 짐을 꾸리기 시작합니다. 딸아이는 집에서 2500마일 떨어진 곳으로 대학생활을 시작하러갈 짐을 꾸리고, 남편은 처음가보는 낯선나라로의 여행을 꿈꾸면서 짐을 꾸리고 저는 제주의 상쾌한 바닷바람을 기대하며 2014 보자기포럼에 갈 차비를 합니다. 새로운 생활을 앞둔 아이를 보며 떠난후에 빈둥지를 느끼지 않게 더 바쁘게 살거라고 스스로 다짐을 합니다.
제주에서 보자기를 사랑하는 많은 사람들을 만날 기대와 친구이자 제자인 헬렌, 영미씨와 좋은 시간을 보낼 희망에 잔뜩 부풀어 있습니다. 헬렌과 연규씨 그리고 멕시코시티의 루시가 만든 보자기를 전시회에서 볼 겁니다. 이번에 같이 못가서 아쉬운 분들은 제가 올릴 사진을 기다려주세요!