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Sunday, January 12, 2014

Naomi, you made my day!

My hairdresser, Sandra loves fabrics. And she loves talking about the sewing projects, surgers and unique fabric markets. When I gave her my DVD, she was excited about it. I went back to see her to get my hair done and she showed me this surprise! She lent her DVD to her friend, Naomi. And she came back with this beautiful bojagi of her own! Naomi compliments how she liked my DVD :) I liked her color choices and tiny even stitches!
I was very impressed and happy! Sandra and Naomi, you made my day! Thank you!
제 미용사, 샌드라는 바느질, 재봉틀 그리고 옷감 얘기가 나오면 저랑 끝없이 얘기를 할 수 있을 만큼 아는게 많은 사람입니다. 그런 샌드라에게  제 디비디를 선물하는 건 당연한 일이지요. 이번에 머리 손질을 하러 갔더니 깜짝 놀랄만한 걸 보여주네요. 친구 나오미에게 디비디를 빌려줬더니 보자기에 싸여서 돌아왔답니다! 디비디를 보고 아주 잘 만들었다는 평을 제게 꼭 전해달라면서요! 꼼꼼한 손바느질과 색상 선택까지 나무랄 데가 없네요.
샌드라와 나오미! 내 하루를 멋지게 만들어준 사람들입니다!

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